
Tour Online Reservation Module

What benefits do an online tour and travel package reservation module bring to your travel agency?

Based on its experience in consulting for online tour sales software in the tourism industry for travel agencies and tour operators, Basis Fly has realized that most travel agencies have many problems in dealing with suppliers. Travel agencies spend a lot of time confirming each one to offer travel packages to customers and reserve them. In this case, to offer a travel tour, the desired product is first selected from the inventory of products. Then, the representatives of the travel agency must check the availability and capacity of that product with the supplier and wait for their response. And only after the supplier’s confirmation can they offer their proposal to the potential customer. Don’t you think manually confirming a few reservations takes a lot of your valuable time and keeps the customer waiting too long? Isn’t it easier instead of spending a lot of time making phone calls and typing emails for coordination between the customer and the supplier, it is better to have an online tour reservation software system that you can bring all these matters in relation to the customer automatically and online?

What is harming your business in providing tourism services?

1- Time-consuming processes:

How much time do you spend checking the inventory of services with your suppliers for a potential reservation? If we examine a tour package reservation process that includes four services: accommodation, flight, airport transfer, and some tourism services, your salespeople have to spend a lot of time for inquiry, price calculations, contract arrangements, etc. Because before you want to offer each of these services to your potential customer, you have to contact your supplier to ensure and confirm its availability. Based on our customers’ experience, this usually takes about 20 to 30 minutes.

2- Without Control:

Suppose one of the capacities that you are offering services and contracting with the customer is sold to another person by the supplier or for any reason it is full and not available. Or suppose you want to continue the process of buying and selling services to another colleague and explain all the details to them, send all the emails you have sent to the suppliers to them, and… The question here is how can you manage the details of all the information connected to a potential reservation that is scattered in different sources? Doesn’t the probability of your sale failing increase?

3- Lost Sales:

Think about all the opportunities you're missing, in addition to the time you spend establishing contact with suppliers. Your potential customer does not have time to wait. Modern travelers today lead busy lifestyles and prefer to choose an online sales software system where they can quickly select the reservation button by viewing their desired services on online flight and hotel reservation sites, and with peace of mind and a relaxed body, they can attend to their personal affairs. If you prefer, your employees process all communications, questions, and travel agency matters manually and by phone, which means that your tourism business is only done during office hours. So forget about making money on weekends, holidays, or when some of your employees are on leave. Keep in mind, if your travel agency is active in the field of inbound tours and your time zone does not match your customers, the result is again more delay or in the worst case losing that customer, which can lead to subsequent complications, as you are not successful in providing special services. This issue not only affects your customers, but it can also damage the mental image of your agency's brand. For example, if representatives make the slightest mistake or forget something and the customer misses their flight, the agency has to pay the cost of the flight ticket. Minimize these errors by designing a tour site specifically for your travel agency.

Turn all threats into opportunities with the online tour sales software, basisfly

The basisfly team has provided integrated online solutions to help travel agencies in the field of travel and tourism. Various features are available on the basisfly platform so that tourism businesses can:

• Sell a variety of products and services in different channels with diverse sales conditions

• Automatically supply

• Easily perform their internal affairs

This solution for managing complete communications through the system reduces the sales cycle for travel agencies and tour operators, increasing productivity.

How does the Basisfly online tour sales software work?

Let's assume that several services have been included as part of a reservation for your customer. Using the Basisfly online reservation software, you reduce the time spent on multiple inquiries from suppliers and simplify the process of receiving responses from them. How?

In order for you to present flight-related data in an easy-to-use environment to your audience, and for them to be able to choose their desired flight from the available flights and enter passenger information, you need a reservation system to act as an interface between the user and the airline web service, or the data that you have from the capacity of a flight (charter flight). The Basisfly tour reservation system integrates various data from domestic and foreign services such as Amadeus, Port, Galileo, etc., along with data that is entered from the Flight inventory management software, and displays it under an easy user interface for selling tour packages.

Some features of the Basisfly online tour reservation software

The Basisfly reservation software provides the ability to reserve a tour along with all its components such as: ticket, hotel, visa, services, and tours... in an integrated manner without the need to redefine each component.

This means that the user, as a tour provider, only needs to define their available services once in the specified sections and call them when creating tours.

Among the features of this section are:

• By specifying the origin and destination of the tour along with the duration of stay and validity date, all defined flights in this range are searched and selectable. (Return tickets made in this section can be called.)

• The ability to create early check-in or delay check-out tours

• Automatic inventory check and calculation of tickets

• Automatic review and calculation of hotel capacities

• Specifying the vehicle for airport transfer

• Calling domestic flights

• Calling a predefined hotel group

• Determining the duration of stay in each destination city

• Calling the defined visa

• Calling defined services and tours

• Specifying additions or deductions (meaning that after summing up the amount of all the components called in creating the tour, add an amount as additions to it or deduct the amount specified in the deductions section from it.)

• Determining payment conditions (cash, currency-rial, phased)

• Inserting tour details

• Determining the travel program by separating travel days or different destinations

• Displaying a report of the number of sold and used tickets used in this tour before final registration

• Automatic calculation of tour rates by summing up the selected items

• The ability to calculate the tour price if the components of its constructor have been defined with different currency units

• Tour search on the site according to the date of departure and return, the number of rooms and the number of adults and children

• The ability to view images and complete specifications of the hotel by the passenger before booking on the site

More profitability with Basisfly online sales software

You can provide reservation possibilities for your customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with peace of mind. The multiple features of landing pages and full compatibility with search engines equip you to advance your digital marketing goals. Also, B2B sales features for flight reservations provide you with the ability to easily interact with your business partners on a digital platform and expand your B2B sales network.

Go online with Basisfly!

If you are disappointed that your salespeople are wasting their time doing repetitive manual tasks, it's time to automate your tourism business. Automatically handling supplier and customer affairs frees up more time for travel agencies to focus on more sales instead of doing repetitive manual tasks.

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