
In online transactions, the probability of human error is minimized

The impact of technology on the field of travel services

The method of payment in travel service transactions and the presence of intermediaries is one of the main problems that travel agencies grapple with.

Given the growing knowledge of information technology among people and their use of online shopping methods and the ability to compare the quality and rate of different services in any field, unlike the past, the audience of travel agencies no longer accepts any amount announced by the agencies without question because they have the ability to search and compare on different sites. Therefore, if agencies want to continue their work with the same traditional and intermediary method, it won't be long before they lose their customers. As a result, to survive in today's volatile market, they have no choice but to go along with the roaring flood of technology and modern technologies and abandon traditional methods for transactions.

The use of online reservation systems in the field of travel services and the elimination of intermediaries allows travel agencies to offer their services to compete with other providers in the vast web environment. In addition to these, they can set aside the usual previous negotiations and paperwork and have more accuracy and speed of action.

In online transactions, the probability of human error is minimized and many processes such as ticketing, voucher, receiving fees, etc., will be done automatically and online.

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